• Professor Jianxin Pan received his PhD from Hong Kong Baptist University in 1996, followed by his postdoctoral fellowship in Rothamsted Research of the UK (1996-1999), research associate in University of St Andrews (1999-2000) and lecturership in Keele University (2000-2002). During his academic pursuit in the University of Manchester from 2002, he was promoted as Senior Lecturer in 2004, Reader in 2005 and Full Professor in 2006. Professor Pan had served as the Head of Probability and Statistics Group, on Senior Leadership Team of the School and the Director of Internationalization of the Department of Mathematics at The University of Manchester, UK.

    Professor Jianxin Pan is an internationally renowned researcher in statistical science and his research interests are within statistical modeling, statistical learning, and data science with application to medicine, public health, finance as well as industry. He has published over 130 research articles in journals of statistics and multidisciplinary research, and three research monographs with Springer and Science Press. He was awarded fundings from various research councils including those in the UK and Europe.

    Prof. Pan is a Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society and an Elected Member of the International Statistical Institute. He was the Chair of the Royal Statistical Society Manchester Group and has been serving as an Associate Editor for several prestigious academic journals. He has successfully supervised over 20 PhD students and over 50 MSc/MPhil students.